The mandate of Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage as stipulated in Company’s Memorandum of Association, the Service Provision Agreement (SPA) and Water Act, 2016 is to provide safe water and sewerage services in the Company’s areas of jurisdiction.
08:00 AM - 17:00 PM
Supply and distribution of clean portable water to households,Institutions and businesses premises.
We build and Maintain Public sanitation Facillities,We strive to make sure there are sewer lines in our service area Towns.
Sensatize the public on water saving,sanitation and proper management of water resources.
We develop and maintain water intake points;Borehole Drilling and springs development.
We have a dedicated,commited and very experience Team of Heads of Departments who are responsible for Daily Company operations.
Ms.Gladys Seleina Marima is a Administration and commication expert and has over 30 years in running public and private entities in Kenya.She has been involved in numerous Nation Building initiatives that has beared fruits and change peoples lives.
Managing Director
Mr.Wilson Munguti is the Head of commercial services and programmes at Oloolaiser water company.He has over 30 years of experience in the managemnt of Technical and commercial services in the water sector.He has held several positions including Acting managing Director.
Commercial services and Programmes Liason Manager
Anthony Muriuki Wamugu is a CPA Of Kenya and has over 15 years in the management of Public finacial Affairs.He is rsposible for trhe financial services of Oloolaiser water and sewerage Company.
Fianace Manager