Access to water and sanitation is a human fundamental right under the bill of rights of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.Nevertheless,about 20 million Kenyans do not have access to safe and affordable drinking water and adequate sanitation (WSP, World bank).The Water Act 2016 initiated has brought water sector reforms in Kenya, with institutions and their mandates aligned to the Constitution, the Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Significant progress in water service provision was made during the first phase of the sector reforms particularly with commercialization of utilities,achievement of O&M cost recovery and the recognition of utilities responsibility to provide services to the entire population in their service area,including the unplanned low-income areas(LIAs). In 2017,the Water Services Regulatory Board(WASREB) has introduced a pro-poor performance indicator to assess the level of pro-poor orientation of utilities and progress towards universal access.The indicator not only monitors the pro-poor interventions being implemented by county governments,but also gives guidance to water utilities to improve their services in LIAs. In line with the sector requirements and guidelines,OWSC has a well outlined propoor policy and stragegy to ensure universal Access to Water by all LIAs residentsof our service Area.We have water Kiosks for water availability and affordabilty in all our service area,notably in Ongata Rongai, Kiserian, Kahara-Matasia and Ngong.
Survey is then carried out by Technical water team
Customer fill new connection form and pays connection fees
Technical team Install line and meter connections
Ngong Areas-Gichagi
Ngong Areas-Township slums